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27'29'', Short Film, HD - 16:9, Stereo, Color, Portuguese [English Subtitle], Brazil and United Kingdom, 2020.
Rubiane Maia and Tom Nóbrega [BR]


As the Sars-Covid 19 pandemic escalated, Rubiane Maia was in Folkestone, England, and Tom Nobrega in Tarapoto, in the Peruvian Amazon. They were both surprised by the sudden need to cancel their planned travels to Brazil, their homeland. Though they were used to being foreigners, since Rubiane is currently based in the UK, and Tom has been living a nomadic life for more than eight years, the closed borders brought insolite situations and an unfamiliar feeling  of exile. As the news coming from Brazil reach them over distance like stones breaking their computer screens, blurring the lines between what is personal and what is collective, the pair of friends shares their perplexity  and tries to find some resonance amidst the overwhelming amount of information floating through the virtual space.     


Rubiane Maia and Tom Nobrega met in 2010, and throughout ten years of friendship and collaboration they have often witnessed deep changes in each other’s ways of living, thinking and creating, which often came to be through complex processes of rupture, relocation and reinvention. Though they would rarely be able to be present at the same place and the same time, they have always found ways to communicate over distance.

Enquanto a pandemia de Sars-Covid 19 aumentava, Rubiane Maia estava em Folkestone, na Inglaterra, e Tom Nobrega em Tarapoto, na Amazônia peruana. Ambos ficaram surpresos com a necessidade repentina de cancelar as viagens planejadas para o Brasil, sua terra natal. As fronteiras fechadas trouxeram situações insólitas e um sentimento desconhecido de exílio. À medida que as notícias vindas do Brasil chegam à distância como pedras quebrando suas telas de computador, borrando a linha entre o que é pessoal e o que é coletivo, a dupla de amigos compartilha sua perplexidade e tenta encontrar alguma ressonância em meio à quantidade avassaladora de informações que flutuam o espaço virtual.

Rubiane Maia e Tom Nobrega se conheceram em 2010, e ao longo de dez anos de amizade e colaboração, ambos testemunharam profundas mudanças nos modos de viver um do outro, pensando e criando, o que muitas vezes aconteceu com processos complexos de ruptura, realocação e reinvenção. Embora eles raramente pudessem estar presentes no mesmo lugar e ao mesmo tempo, sempre encontraram maneiras de se comunicar à distância.

2022 – First-Time Filmmaker Sessions @Pinewood Studios. United Kingdom / ONLINE. 
2021 – 28˚ FESTIVAL DE CINEMA DE VITÓRIA [10˚ MOSTRA CORSÁRIA]. Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil / ONLINE. 

2021 – 24˚ MOSTRA DE CINEMA DE TIRADENTES. Tiradentes, Minas Gerais, Brazil / ONLINE. [première]
2020 – POÉTICAS 'Arte em tempos de Pandemia' . Centro de Artes - UFES, Vitória, ES, Brazil.

International Curators Forum [UK] as part of the project 

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