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Performance [2 hours]. Espírito Mundo Festival, Birmingham, UK, 2012.
Photograph by Aline Yasmin
Desenhar o símbolo do infinito com o corpo.
Entre duas colunas e três novelos: desfazer o novelo; enredar no corpo com giros; apertar; tentar respirar; continuar girando; dar voltar ao redor das colunas. Desenredar a linha do corpo; girar; continuar tentando respirar; dar mais voltas ao redor das colunas; entrelaçar as linhas; continuar girando; quase desistir; sufocar; tentar respirar; continuar girando; cair; se arrastar; continuar; romper a linha; desabar.
Draw the infinity symbol with my body movement.
This performance happens between two pillars and with three balls of thread: between two columns and three thread balls: I will unravel the thread ball; swirling the thread around my body while turning around; tightening; trying to breath; I will keep turning; I will turn around the columns. I will unravel the thread from my body; turning around; trying to continue breathing; almost quitting; suffocating; trying to breath; continuingmy turns; falling; dragging on the floor; continuing; breaking the thread; and finally collapsing.

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